October 2, 2024 BARS Meeting – Terry Dennison, K9TAD, on Sunspots and Radio Propagation

We are pleased to announce that Terry Dennison, K9TAD, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom on Wednesday Night, October 2, 2024. Terry will give a talk on Sunspot and Radio Propagation. Here are some biographical details about Terry: FCC Extra Class Amateur Radio License (2010), First Licensed in 2007 …

October 2, 2024 BARS Meeting – Terry Dennison, K9TAD, on Sunspots and Radio Propagation Read More

September 4, 2024 BARS Meeting – Mike Walker, VA3MW, on Flex Radio: It’s Not Your Father’s HF Rig

I am pleased to announce that we will be having Mike Walker, VA3MW, as our Guest Speaker for the September 4, 2024 hybrid Club meeting. Mike will do a presentation entitled “Flex Radio: Not Your Father’s HF Radio” Mike, from FlexRadio Systems, will spend about an hour showing how today’s …

September 4, 2024 BARS Meeting – Mike Walker, VA3MW, on Flex Radio: It’s Not Your Father’s HF Rig Read More

August 7, 2024 BARS Meeting – Steve Johnston, WD8DAS, on WWVH in Hawaii

I would like to announce our “guest speaker video” for the August 7, 2024, Club meeting via Zoom. We will be having a YouTube video discussing the operations of radio station WWVH in Hawaii. This video is a virtual tour of the NIST shortwave time standard station for the Pacific …

August 7, 2024 BARS Meeting – Steve Johnston, WD8DAS, on WWVH in Hawaii Read More

June 5, 2024 BARS Meeting – Gene Spinelli, K5GS, on Clipperton Island 2024 TX5S DXpedition Highlights

I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for our June 5, 2024 hybrid Club Meeting at the Church will be Gene Spinelli, K5GS, who was the co-founder of the DXpedition TX5S to Clipperton Island in late January of 2024. Presenter’s Bio: First licensed in 1976, my interest in …

June 5, 2024 BARS Meeting – Gene Spinelli, K5GS, on Clipperton Island 2024 TX5S DXpedition Highlights Read More

May 1, 2024 BARS Meeting – Donald W. Kane, WB2BEZ, on an Overview of Grounding and Bonding

I am pleased to announce that we will be having Donald Kane, WB2BEZ, as our Guest Speaker for the in person/Zoom Meeting at the Church on May 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Don will be presenting on Grounding and Safety In The Ham Shack, so you won’t want to miss …

May 1, 2024 BARS Meeting – Donald W. Kane, WB2BEZ, on an Overview of Grounding and Bonding Read More

April 3, 2024 BARS Meeting – Douglas Bruce Millar, K6JEY, on Test Equipment for Hams Explained

We are pleased to announce that Douglas Bruce Millar, (I’m not kidding!) K6JEY, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom and he will give a presentation entitled “Test Equipment for Hams, including Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) Explained” Doug got his novice ticket in 1957. He has always liked VHF and …

April 3, 2024 BARS Meeting – Douglas Bruce Millar, K6JEY, on Test Equipment for Hams Explained Read More

March 6, 2024 BARS Meeting – Bruce Blain, K1BG – ARRL Club Coordinator Role and Suggestions For Our Club

It is with great pleasure that I announce Bruce Blain, K1BG, as our Guest Speaker for our hybrid Club Meeting on Wednesday March 6 at the Chelmsford Bible Church. Bruce is the ARRL Eastern Mass Club Coordinator. He was first introduced to amateur radio by his neighbor Jim Payne, W1GPN, …

March 6, 2024 BARS Meeting – Bruce Blain, K1BG – ARRL Club Coordinator Role and Suggestions For Our Club Read More